Monday, 10 March 2014

Scarves for sale!

Today was a bit of a sad day as I packed up my studio and moved everything home. I feel a little like a young adult who's had a stint of independence in a share house, only to return to the family nest soon after because for whatever reason, things didn't work out. Oh well....
The home set-up will happen in stages; the dining room will become work room in the next week (after we've had one last dinner party!) But the dyeing station is already set to go and I've cleared space in the study for storage and shipping bits and pieces.

Just in time really, because I've finally listed some of my very popular scarves in my Etsy shop. These gorgeous silk squares can be worn around the neck or as a head scarf. In fact I was inspired to do these when a friend of mine requested a gift for her mother-in-law who was going through chemotherapy and was looking for something cool and comfortable to cover her head with.

Check them out here...

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